Federal Roadway Project


Renovation of Sabino Canyon Recreation Area Pavement

237310, 812930, NAICS CODES

Scope of Work

The work involves segments of existing pavement to receive pavement pulverization, removal of oversized pulverized pavement off-National Forest land, reshaping and compaction of the pulverized pavement areas, and repaving with the specified hot mix asphaltic pavement.

Key Project Elements
  • Demolition of existing roadway.
  • Soil erosion and pollution control.
  • Asphalt paving.
  • Addition of fog and crack seal.

Project Location:

Sabino Canyon, Coronado National Forest, Arizona


Project Owner:

U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service

Project Timeline:

February 2022 – May 2022

Contract Amount:



Mint Wash Bridge




Contact Us

Whelcon Contractors LLC
1 West Wetmore Road, Suite 203
Tucson, AZ 85705

Phone: (520) 314-2001