Local Municipality Concrete Ramp Project


Downtown ADA Sidewalk Package 1 JOC

237110, 237310, NAICS CODES

Scope of Work

To improve local Tucson infrastructure, Whelcon Contractors managed the form setting and finishing of ADA-compliant curb access ramps and concrete sidewalks throughout downtown Tucson. This work included adjusting utilities and demolition of the previous concrete structures. 

Key Project Elements
  • 7891 Square Feet of 4″ Concrete Sidewalk
  • 4,089 Square Feet of 6″ Curb Access Ramps, Various Incl.
  • 5236 Square Feet 6″ Concrete Sidewalk/Driveway/Bus Pad
  • 20 Square Feet Removal and Reset Brick Pavers
  • 832 Linear Feet Header Curb 

Project Location:

Tucson, Arizona

Project Owner:

City Of Tucson

Project Timeline:

June 2019 – August 2019

Contract Amount:

$ 267,800.00

Contact Us

Whelcon Contractors LLC
1 West Wetmore Road, Suite 203
Tucson, AZ 85705

Phone: (520) 314-2001