Local Municipality Roadway Project
Arcadia and Timrod Bicycle Boulevard
Scope of Work
This project provides roadway improvements consisting of traffic calming, Bike HAWK signals, signing, pavement markings, and landscaping. The work includes construction of speed humps, traffic circles, concrete curb, concrete sidewalk, curb access ramps, concrete driveway aprons, traffic signals, and traffic signal modifications, and decorative pavement markings.
Key Project Elements
- 1,452 Linear Feet of Concrete Curb
- 1,810 Square Feet of Concrete Sidewalk
- 3,611 Square Feet of Curb Access Ram
- 157 Square Feet of Median Specific Curb Access
- 726 Square Feet Concrete Driveway Apron
- 218 Square Yards of Rip Rap, Hand Placed and Grouted
Project Location:
Tucson, Arizona
Project Owner:
City of Tucson
Project Timeline:
November 2020 – April 2021
Contract Amount:
Contact Us
Whelcon Contractors LLC
1 West Wetmore Road, Suite 203
Tucson, AZ 85705
Phone: (520) 314-2001