Local Municipality Utility Project

FY24 Heritage Hills Mill and Paving


Scope of Work

This project includes survey and adjustment of 58 manholes and 61 water valve and boxes. This encompasses surveying of manhole and water valves prior to construction as well as surveying for adjustment.

Key Project Elements
  • Surveying of Manholes and Water Valves
  • Surveying of Manholes and Water Valves for Adjustment

  • Concrete Adjustment Ring per Manhole
  • Pre-lowering of Utilities

Project Location:

Heritage Hills, Tucson, Arizona

Project Owner:

Pima County

Project Timeline:

March 2024 – April 2024

Project Amount:


Contact Us

Whelcon Contractors LLC
1 West Wetmore Road, Suite 203
Tucson, AZ 85705

Phone: (520) 314-2001